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Sleeve Faces

“Sleeveface is an internet phenomenon wherein one or more persons obscure or augment body parts with record sleeve(s), causing an illusion. Sleeveface has become popular on social networking sites.

The precise origin of the concept is unknown. The term “Sleeveface” was coined in April 2007 by Cardiff resident Carl Morris after pictures were taken of him and his friends holding record sleeves to their faces whilst Djing in a Cardiff Bar. His friend John Rostron posted them on the internet and created a group on the nascent Facebook social networking site. From here the craze became more widely known.

John Rostron and Carl Morris are authors of the book “Sleeveface: Be The Vinyl” published in 2008 by Artisan/Workman which compiles sleevefaces from the worldwide submissions to their website www.sleeveface.com”. – Wikipedia

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